Graco Linelazer IV 3900 Parts Breakdown, Models 248863 and 248862

Parts breakdown list for the Graco LineLazer IV 3900 Airless Line Striper. If you don't see the part you are looking for here you can also search for line striper parts or call us and talk to one of our experienced representatives. Graco has been good about carrying parts for their sprayers many years after they are discontinued.

Graco LineLazer IV 3900 Parts Breakdown, 248862 and 248863

Parts breakdown for Graco LineLazer IV 3900 248863, 248862 Parts breakdown for Graco LineLazer 3900
Ref #Part NumberDescription
5237686WIRE, ground assembly w/ clamp
13245225HOSE, 3/8 in. x 50 ft
14245798HOSE, 1/4 in. x 7 ft
16287623FRAME, linestriper (painted)
21277069PUMP, displacement (3900/R300)
21277070PUMP, displacement (5900)
22287714HOUSING, bearing (3900/R300)
22287715HOUSING, bearing (5900)
23287653GEAR, combination (3900/R300)
23287460GEAR, combination (5900)
26287719ROD, connecting (3900/R300)
26287720ROD, connecting (5900)
28287622SUPPORT, handle (painted)
3324U241COVER, pail (includes 35)
3424V567HOSE ASSEMBLY, drain (items 34a thru 34n)
34a15F149TUBE, suction
34c110194SWIVEL, 180°
35119771STRAP, cover
42108471KNOB, pronged
58195134SPACER, ball, guide
60196176ADAPTER, nipple
66287698KIT, sensor, distance (includes 68, 115, 129, 157)
68198612SHIELD, sensor, distance
70198891BRACKET, mounting
73198930ROD, brake
9315F577BRACE, left (painted)
9415F576BRACE, right (painted)
108101566NUT, lock
115108868CLAMP, wire
117110837SCREW, flange, hex
120255162WHEEL, pneumatic (includes 67)
121111040NUT, lock, insert, nylock, 5/16
122111194SCREW, cap flang hd
127112405NUT, lock
129112798SCREW, thread forming, hex hd
134113961SCREW, cap, hex hd
141241445CABLE, caster
142114648CAP, dust
144114659GRIP, handle
148114808CAP, vinyl
153114982SCREW, cap, flng hd
154115077PAIL, plastic
157116287WASHER, sst, external
158114528SCREW, mach, phillips, pnhd
177112395SCREW, cap, flnghd
264120151PLUG, tube
265241104HOPPER, 15 gal (models 24M605)