Summit RHT-100 Refrigeration Lubricant for Closed Loop Ammonia Systems, ISO 100, NSF H2-Registered

SKU: RHT-100
Part #: RHT-100
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Summit RHT-100 Refrigeration Lubricant for Closed Loop Ammonia Systems, ISO 100, NSF H2-Registered

Summit RHT-100 is a highly refined ISO 100 hydrotreated ammonia compressor lubricant, specially designed to function under the stringent requirements of closed-loop ammonia refrigeration systems.

Besides providing value added benefits in the areas of improved system efficiency and higher productivity, ther performance advantages of Summit RHT-100 oil versus naphthenic oils include:

  • Lower wax content versus the “essentially” or “virtually” wax free oils marketed by competitors
  • Reduced oil carryover
  • Superior cleanliness
  • Superior chemical and thermal stability
  • Enhanced wear protection
  • Lower foaming tendency
  • Extended oil drain interval capability
  • Less oil make-up

Summit RHT Series Performance Plus oils are exceptionally well suited for rotary screw and  reciprocating compressors in ammonia service.  They are compatible with naphthenic and other hydrotreated paraffinic-based compressor oils for ammonia service, as well as PAO and alkylbenzene-based products.  They are compatible with all seal elastomers commonly used in these systems including Buna-N, NBR and Neoprene. 

Summit RHT-100 refrigeration oil is available in the following container sizes. Please contact us for pricing. The internal Summit product code for this item is 340116

  • 55 Gallon Drum
  • 275 Gallon Tote
  • 5 Gallon Pail
  • 1 Gallon Container (must order in quantities of 6)

Physical Properties - Summit RHT-100

  • ISO Grade: 100
  • Viscocity @ 40ºC: 104.6
  • Viscosity Index: 97
  • Specific Gravity @ 60F: 0.871
  • Flash Point, Fº: 515
  • Pour Point, Fº: -38
  • NSF Registered: H2

Summit RHT-68 will work great with the following lubricants and is cross-compatible:

BP Lubricants North AmericaEnergol LPT-F 5G (ISO 100)
Citgo Petroleum Corp.North Star Refrigeration Oil 100
CPI Engineering Services, Inc.CPI-1009-100
CPI Engineering Services, Inc.CPI 1009 100
Frick / Johnson Controls 4
Japan Sun Oil Co., Ltd.Suniso 5GS
TOTAL Lubricants USA, Inc.Frigospec  100
TOTAL Lubricants USA, Inc.Frigospec  251
Ultrachem, Inc.RF  4
York - Div. Johnson ControlsYork E
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