The Nitrogen Generator makes use of Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology to produce nitrogen by passing pre-treated compressed air through a vessel containing carbon molecular sieves (CMS). The PSA process is inherently a batch process, as the adsorbent bed requires periodic desorption. In order to secure steady flow, the Nitrogen Generator PSA systems contain two adsorbent vessels to provide operational continuity. One vessel is active while the other one is inactive. At the end of each cycle, they switch roles.
Advanced microprocessor controller: PPNG nitrogen generators are controlled by the Purelogic graphic controller. They control the PSA cycle of the generator, the regulation of the nitrogen quality and the protection of the CMS bed:
- Pressure swing adsorption cycle control: The PSA cycle algorithm will be altered depending on the level of consumed nitrogen. This way, less compressed air is needed to feed the generator and energy is saved when the generator is not running at full load. This algorithm also compensates for altering ambient conditions (thus the generator uses less compressed air at lower temperatures) and altering purity settings (the generator will use less compressed air at lower purity settings). When no nitrogen is consumed, the generator will enter stand-by mode and not use any compressed air at all.
- Automatic start-up: Automatic start-up enables the user to start the generator with the push of a button. The generator will fill the nitrogen receiver with a specific flow which will result in the fastest start-up procedure possible.
- Guaranteed purity: When the nitrogen purity is less than requested, the flushing mode will shut off the nitrogen flow to the user and direct it over the flushing nozzle. This way, the purity will be recovered as fast as possible.
The inlet air quality is constantly monitored to make sure the inlet requirement is always met:
- Inlet PDP sensor
- Inlet temperature sensor
- Inlet pressure sensor
- Inlet pressure indicator
- Inlet air purge valve: to flush the inlet air when the inlet PDP is worse than requested.
- Pilot air connection
To guarantee the quality of the outlet gas, the outlet gas parameters are constantly monitored:
- Outlet pressure sensor
- Outlet pressure indicator
- Outlet PDP sensor (optional)
- Outlet flow meter
- Nitrogen purity sensor
PPNG9HE Main Benefits:
- Guaranteed purity from 95% up to 99.999%
- High-quality, high-efficient Carbon Molecular Sieves
- Advanced energy saving control
- Designed and tested for cyclic load
- Outstanding air factors thanks to back-flow pressurization
- Optimal control and monitoring thanks to PurelogicTM Controller
Nitrogen generators can be custom configured to your facility depending on the flow rate, purity and pressure required. Please contact us and we are happy to ensure the system proposed is correct for your operation, while also ensuring the incoming compressed air is appropriate.