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OEM Graco

Fluid Section Cylinder - UltraMax 695

SKU: 243177
Part #: 243177
GTIN: 633955917859
Please verify the series number of your unit before ordering Please verify the series number of your unit before ordering

Graco Paint Sprayer Pump Cylinder - 243176

The cylinder houses the internal parts to paint sprayer fluid section. This is the section that encloses the packings and paint sprayer rod.

For use with these airless paint sprayers:

Airless Paint SprayersSprayer Model NumberSeries LetterCorresponding Fluid Section
695 ULTIMATE MX824130 239769
695 ULTIMATE MX824132 239769
695 Ultimate Mx Hi Boy824910 243189
695 Ultimate Mx Lo Boy824912 243189
695 Ultra Max232910 243189
695 Ultra Max232911 243189
695 Ultra Max232912A,B243189
695 Ultra Max232913A,B243189
695 Ultra Max 695 Hi-Boy(Old)232130 239769
695 Ultra Max 695 Hi-Boy(Old)Bare232131 239769
695 Ultra Max 695(Old) Lo-Boy232132 239769
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