Rotary screw air compressors generally use synthetic lubricant to seal the rotors, lubricant moving parts, cooling, and corrosion protection. Almost all rotary screw compressors utilize and ISO 46 synethtic oil. Reciprocating (piston) air compressor typically use a ISO 100 / 30 weight synthetic or non-synthetic compressor oil.
If your compressor is located in a food processing plant where the air comes in contact with the product, please let us know. We have high quality synthetic oil for both rotary and piston compressors. Our food grade compressor oil meet USDA 1998 (H1) guidelines and are manufactured in an ISO 21469 certified facility
Like most vehicles, changing the oil extends the life. Brands here include Ingersoll Rand (IR), Chicago Pneumatic (CP), Campbell Hausfeld, Jenny as well as our own to save you money. Various sizes available, pints quarts, gallons, liters.
Please give us a call here at Portland Compressor if you need help finding the right lube or can't find what you are looking for. We stock top off equivilent oil for almost any piston air compressor or rotary screw air compressor on the market and it's ready to ship.